Happy Saturday!
It’s a grey and rainy Thanksgiving weekend here in Central Ontario. Shaun and his girlfriend are supposed to be going on a night hike tonight, so that should be interesting. He just came in and borrowed my good camera and my walking poles, and a pair of my gloves for the girlfriend – she’s not a big outdoorsy type, so doesn’t have anywhere near the amount of gear that we do. I hope they can get some good pictures, and that the rain holds off for them.
As for me, I’m going to finish up some last minute cleaning, and then start making my Etsy plan. I paid for Lori’s 92 Days of Listings Challenge (which increases in price after tomorrow), but have been so busy getting ready for this weekend that I haven’t got anything listed yet. Last night I started thinking about a plan, and got overwhelmed with everything I have that can be listed so after making a couple of notes I pretty much gave up and went to sleep.
But I did come up with a plan of sorts, to get at least my 92 listings for the challenge done, and hopeful a few more besides. The trick to making a plan, at least in my convoluted mind, is to not overwhelm yourself with all the details at first. So, here’s the gist of what I’m going to do…
Over the past 3 years since I’ve been doing low-content full time, I have created over 330 products for PLR, bonuses, and KDP … and that’s just my own stuff. That doesn’t even cover my PLR stash which I really want to start using up.
So my plan is this – pick 1 folder of my products and 1 folder of PLR, mash them together and see how many products I can come up with out of that. Create those, or list them as is, in the case of my own products that don’t need to have anything done with them, and then move on to the next pairing. While I’m doing this, I’ve decided to open up my Etsy Facebook Group again until at least the end of the year, and I’ll add access to it as a bonus for anyone who signs up for Lori’s Challenge through my link.
If you’ve already registered for the challenge, drop me a message on Facebook so I can add you to the group.
Other than that, I only have a handful of things to share with you today.
Thing #1 – Last Day for the Podcaster’s Kit
The Podcaster’s Kit ends tonight at midnight. If you’re interested at all in building a podcast, then I think you owe it to yourself to grab this and learn from the 40+ experts that Dan has invited to be a part of the Kit.
Check it out here while there’s still time.
Oh, and from yesterday… here’s the link to the Kitchen Sink meeting with Dan Morris. If you’re on the fence about whether to start a podcast or not, I highly recommend you have a listen to this.
Thing #2 – Free Skin Care PLR from Health and Wellness PLR
Jennifer at Health and Wellness PLR has a new freebie for you this weekend. Healthy Habits for Clear Skin is a 5-page report that covers 12 different daily habits that can improve your skin.
Thing #3 – Weekend Special from Coach Glue
Melissa and Nicole are funning a weekend special on their Self-Care Planner for Coaches and Entrepreneurs. Save 50% through Thursday, October 14 with promo code 50. The content covers:
- Step 1: Make Yourself A Priority So You Can Radiate Daily
- Step 2: Building A Boss-Babe Routine For Self-Care That Sparks Joy
- Step 3: Shine Even Brighter By Making Self-Care a Habit
Thing #4 – Free Pattern Kits for Fall & Halloween from Catherine
Catherine at Content Accelerators has a new freebie available for you this weekend. The Fall Halloween Pattern Kit includes a set of 5 seamless patterns and Procreate stamp brushes. (That reminds me, I haven’t played with Procreate in awhile. Hmmm… )
There’s also an upsell for an additional set of patterns and clipart. Save 50% on the upsell with coupon code SPOOKY
Thing #5 – Cozy Autumn Graphics from Planner Creators
My friend Lynn Webb over at Planner Creators has a new set of Cozy Autumn Color Graphics available this weekend. You get 73 full colour graphics and 72 digital papers for $20 (reg. $35) when you use coupon code CozyAutumn through Wednesday, October 13.
I’ll be heading off to pick this one up just as soon as I’m done sending out the newsletter.
And speaking of heading off, that’s it for me today. I am off to find some dinner, do the last bit of tidying up here, and then I think I’ll pick up Lynn’s graphics and Catherine’s patterns and see what I can create tonight.
I’ll be back tomorrow with your full Sunday roundup and a new freebie for you.
In the meantime, stay warm, stay dry, and Happy Thanksgiving if you’re celebrating this weekend!
Have an amazing day. Create what makes your heart happy!
Ruth Bowers Ritchie Media email: ruthie@ritchiemedia.ca P.S. Don’t forget to check out our Digital Planner Deal on Warrior Plus! You get 2 digital planners for $17 on the front end, and a whole bunch of customization goodies and training in the additional offers. P.P.S – Miss the last newsletter? Read it here P.P.P.S. – Looking for the current list of bonus offers? Find it here |
Disclaimer: I often recommend products and services that I use or that have been recommended to me by people we trust. In many cases these recommendations are accompanied by an affiliate link, which provides me with a referral commission should you click through and make a purchase.The information presented here is for educational purposes only. Before taking any action that may affect your health, finances, or well-being, please check with your own doctor, health-care provider, financial and business advisers, etc.Always do your own due diligence and make the best choices for YOUR life.Note: You are receiving this email because at some point you have either purchased a product from us, or received a free offer and consented to receive emails from us. If you ever wish to change your preferences or unsubscribe completely, simply click the link at the bottom of this email. |